Part 40: Lows to Highs (2)

At least we didn't die, thanks in part to the oxygen machines it seems like.

We're in a bad spot. Everyone is at 1HP/0PP and have no items other than equipment.

It's certainly a good idea to.

If you say so.

There's some food here, but it looks odd.

On the other hand, a Zombieshroom prevents us from going onward.

And considering we have no way of healing and he has a party-wide attack, and we're kinda in a bad spot.

Eat them anyway?
If we say no...
But there doesn't seem to be anything else that's edible.

Looks like we have no choice!

Boney decides to sit out from eating the mushrooms. What a square.

You're overcome by an indescribably odd sensation...!

Everyone ended up restoring all their stats, even Boney, who didn't eat the mushrooms!

The snake also turned into an umbrella but that's no biggie.

Because you might get cramps since you just recently ate, of course.

Also, instead of that Zombieshroom Flint's now here.

Boney's freaking out barking his head off the entire time. I guess he's just really happy to see Flint again!
Anyway, we aren't lost, Flint.

It looks like we're butting heads against a guy with no head!
Since we're next to those wonderful mushrooms there's no reason to hold back on PSI. Just remember you still have no items.

This guy has the same party-wide spore attack that Zombieshroom had. When you can survive it, you'll find out it can also poison characters.

The usual buffs/debuffs apply, of course.

Anyway, you probably know the real identity of this guy, and as you might expect he's weak to fire.

This is the smile's physical attack, though it does pathetic damage.

Anyway, once you bring the smile down to low enough HP, you'll see its true identity, in this case a Zombieshroom.

Though it's still called Eerie Smile by the game itself.

A good deal of HP to burn through, but otherwise pretty simple.

Anyway, the trippy way further into Tanetane Island is now unlocked and stuff so let's eat more mushrooms.


There's two screens of familiar faces we can talk to. Boney hates them all for some reason.

Nah, we've got things to do.

This is the only such conversation I had that didn't end up in a battle.

The items you get along the way are in fact what they say they are. Trash cans never lie.

There are mailboxes along the way.
The boy named Lucas is crying at a grave.
The boy named Lucas and his dog are loitering in the forest.
The boy named Lucas is getting into trouble in the mountains.
The boy named Lucas stole Nuts from our garden.
The boy named Lucas is bullying animals.
The boy named Lucas learned some bad magic.
The boy named Lucas ......
The boy named Lucas ......
The boy named Lucas ......
The boy named Lucas .........
The mailbox let out a tremendous scream.

Next up is... Oh, crap! Claus is alive!

Sorry, Claus. We're on important business and considering you've been lost for three years you're probably not at a high enough level to join us.

At this point, every conversation leads to a battle with an Eerie Smile. There are three types you can run into. You won't know for sure at first which is which, but after revealing their identities the first time you can figure out which is which based on the background and music.

Boney can also sniff them to give you their weaknesses. If you're using a guide, that will be enough to tell you what enemy they really are. This guy's also susceptible to sleep.

This particular foe can laugh pretty hard.

This is a Monkalrus. I'll go into more detail on them later.

There are four mailboxes here.
Inside the mailbox were countless screams.
Stuffed inside the mailbox was sheer, never-ending darkness.
Inside the mailbox was the sound of yourself crying.
Inside the mailbox was absolutely nothing. Nothing after nothing came bursting out.

Here's the second type of Eerie Smile, and the easiest of the lot.

It's an Ancient Dragonfly, and it has very low defenses and HP so it goes down in a round.

The Monkalrus can drop a Luxury Banana. This is also real.

Again, each of these results in an encounter. I'm gonna skip all the repeats though.

A helmet for Lucas and Boney. It prevents fleas and has the same defense boost as the Awesome Crown. I like the 30PP more than the flea protection for Lucas, so Boney gets it.

...Or so it seemed, but you were the one looking from the other side, too.

This is the last type of enemy.

It's a Titanian and pretty sturdy.

Prevents sleep, slightly less defense boost than the Alligator Hat. Boney and Kumatora can wear it, so Kumatora gets it.

Next screen has a nearby hot spring and more characters.

For some reason, Boney doesn't want to join us. Weird dog.

Damn straight.

These two jump you together, though still no biggie.

A shiny car. It's scary even when it's stopped.

Pusher's the only person who doesn't try to attack us.

Eventually, we make it to wherever the hell this place is.

The frog's pretty nice to us, at least, willing to save our game and all.

We end up at what's probably a Magypsy home? Looks like she's entertaining company.

We sure are! I think.

And so, Mixolydia uses mystical Magypsie healing techniques to bring our party out of their funk.

Much better.

By the way, this is Ocho.

And we got back all those worthless items I never use! Since we grabbed stuff along the way, Ocho will hold on to the stuff he can't give us due to our small invetory room.

Anyway, now we can see Tanetane Island for all its glory.

The Mole Cricket has some fun new goodies. The Spiky Weapon is usable by all the humans and is a nice upgrade for all of them, so I buy three. Of course, Lucas has a better weapon in the next area, so it's not really worth giving it to him. The Feather Charm is also a nice body upgrade for everyone but Boney (who's happy with his collar), and the Libra Bracelet is a nice accessory upgrade for the humans. The Spiky Weapon is also the first weapon that is stronger than the special boots Duster got back in Chapter 5, so we finally say goodbye to them.

Also, the guy who we saw as Pusher was actually the Item Guy. Everyone else was enemies, of course.

That hot spring Boney didn't want to get into? Sludge.

Not that relaxing now, sadly...

Fortunately, there is an actual hot spring in the nearby building.

And of course the enemies we saw earlier are hanging around, and there's no mailboxes anymore. I'll go into more detail on these enemies next update.

Next time, we finish up our business in this crazy weird place.